OPEN LETTER to the Members of the European Parliament regarding the Draft Resolution on the 2021 Commission Report on North Macedonia
The European Policy Institute together with Civil Rights Defenders and the members of the Think For Europe Network – TEN sent an open letter to the Members of the European Parliament regarding the Draft Resolution on the 2021 Commission Report on North Macedonia.

We urge them to reconsider parts of the Motion for a resolution that are conditions set by Bulgaria that will have negative implications on the Macedonian identity and will endorse the ultimatum that Bulgaria imposed on North Macedonia, using the EU membership as a tool.
If the bilateral issues imposed by Bulgaria enter the accession process, its essence of being a transformative power for the society and the Europeanization process would not only be jeopardised, but would run contrary to the values of the Union.
These are not the values we have believed in. These are not the values we have fought for at home, consistently advocating for EU-accession related reforms.
Read the full letter here.